Hello there! I am Andrej Forgač, a front-end developer.

Welcome to the AndrejGround

Skills & technologies I use

Technologies I am most experienced in:
  • JavaScript (ES5, ES6+)
  • HTML
  • CSS
More tools & technologies I am familiar with:
  • React
  • Angular
  • Node JS
  • MongoDB
  • Firebase
  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • Git
  • Webpack
  • Parcel
  • Axios

About me

As a pioneer, my value is yet to be manifested through my skills. At this point, what I can offer is my potential, curiosity, and a strong urge to learn new things daily.
Creating something from nothing, solving problems, from macro to micro ones, makes me feel fulfilled and productive.
UI and UX are very important aspects of modern programming, in my opinion, so I tend to make my projects as intuitive and user friendly as possible. My favourites are single page applications.
Beside that, I am interested in learning about blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, and decentralised finance.
My final goal as programming is concerned, and in general, is to always be better than yesterday.

Contact me

Town, State

Apatin, Serbia